
Intel Core i9-9900K Details and Beautiful Package Leaked on Amazon

The Intel Core i9-9900K is about to be announced soon, and it looks like details were leaked both on Amazon and eBay.

Everyone is expecting the new generation of Intel processors, and the company is planning to bring the entire lineup forward very soon. It turns out that Intel might be good at making CPUs, but they are not so good at keeping secrets. The company is trying to keep a tight lid on the 9th generation, but leaks are springing all over.

It’s no secret that AMD has been gaining a lot of steam with its Threadripper line of CPUs, and Intel needs to make back some of that lost terrain. The launch of the new processors will definitely shake things up, and it’s all for the good of the consumer.

Leaks are happening everywhere

Details about the upcoming 9th generation of processors from Intel have been popping out for a few months already, and we know a fair deal about them. The interesting aspect is that they’ve been spo... (read more)

from Softpedia News / Global

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